Real Estate

Our real estate clients vary in the nature and size of their real estate activities, ranging from simple residential real estate transactions to the transfer of potentially contaminated commercial parcels. We have experience with all possible sides to a real estate transaction. We also have considerable experience with all aspects of real property litigation, including real estate disputes, adverse possession and prescriptive easement cases, public access and riparian rights issues, condominium and summer resort association property issues, and road and highway-related matters. Let us put this advantage to work for you.

With the increasing expansion of environmental liability for contaminated property, nearly all modern real estate transactions should be considered in the light of potential environmental problems. From the presence of a simple underground storage tank to the existence of a former landfill, we have the experience and expertise to assist clients, such as sellers, purchasers and the financial community, in evaluating and identifying potential problems and finding ways to deal with them.

Mailing Address

(For both locations)
Olson & Howard, P.C.
420 East Front Street
Traverse City, MI 49686

Traverse City

Olson & Howard, P.C.
420 East Front Street
Traverse City, MI 49686

Ph:   (231) 946-0044
Fax:   (231) 946-4807

Hours: M-F, 8:30am-5pm


Olson & Howard, P.C.
427 Main St., 2nd Floor
Frankfort, MI 49635

Ph:   (231) 352-4412
Fax:   (231) 946-4807

Hours: By Appointment